阿德勒取向家庭與婚姻實務工作坊 (12小時)

Adlerian approaches for working with families and marriages

Adlerian approaches for working with families and marriages. This didactic and experiential workshop will focus on various aspects of family living, intimate relationships, and parenting. Six facets of families will be presented and processed. Several components of intimate relationships will be presented and processed. Adlerian arenting strategies will be presented and processed.

主講人: Wes Wingett, Ph.D


Ph. D., Guidance and Counselor Education, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, 1975 

Adlerian Counseling and Training Counselor, Consultant, and Educator 

北美阿德勒心理學會代言人 (Diplomat, NASAP)

Licensed Mental Health Practitioner #1511 – State of Nebraska


▉  協辦單位:台北教育大學教育學院, ER Counseling Center

▉  活動日期:2017/3/4-3/5,共計兩日(需全時參加)

▉  活動時間:上午9:00 ~ 12:00 下午13:00 ~ 16:00 (中午休息1小時)

▉  地點:一二心理諮商所 – 台北市中山區南京東路二段176號11樓 (捷運松江南京站5號出口,步行約1分鐘)

▉  費用:3200(當日繳交)

▉  報名方式:

請將以下資料寄至 joyce0352@gmail.com(利於行前通知確認,謝謝您~)

  1. 姓名:
  2. 電話:
  3. EMAIL
  4. LINE的ID
  5. 現職
  6. 因參加者需了解阿德勒理論,且具有實務工作經驗,請簡述您的學習背景



